Greetings to you Dear Guest/Patron/Subscriber is a common digital meeting ground for entrepreneurs and small business owners to present their business profile, conduct online business transactions, share entrepreneurial experience, knowledge & other information.

Our objective serves the entrepreneur to showcase and access business profile & shared information on a common platform,

The buyer/customer benefits from gaining access to detailed information on the product and the business and make better decisions with, comparing and buying products within a short browsing session. It also benefits them to access instant contact with the supplier/manufacturer and and their product/service from the same window.

It also serves them better to be able to access the extra information and the knowledgebase shared by the entrepreneurs regarding their business, products, achievements etc. This facilitates an environment for better understanding of the product/service, as well as their supplier/manufacturer, resulting in the ultimate customer supplier relationship.

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There could be two reason for this.

1. No content source currently available.
2. Advertiser has requested a no display.

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An Overview

The objective of the online directory listing service of is to provide users who run a business or any type of enterprise, a digital showcase to reach out and provide maximum information in a most effective and aesthetically designed presentation, to the potential customer. Essentially it is a online business directory catering to a certain niche segment and limited to a certain geographical area.

Why we prefer to call it a showcase is due to its internal integration with's other major features like the online store and the storyboard providing a unique design and efficiency to the listing service.

The single page business profile in is a aesthetically crafted interactive webpage that displays basic business information on the outset, but at the same time provides quick and efficient access to loads of business information placed in the online public domain.

All from a single page.

General Features:

User Uploads: Registered users (it's FREE) after logging in can upload their listing themselves by filling out the form provided at

Information & Support: Every page at comes with detailed information and terms of use. Apart from that online support is available through email to the website admin.
Security & Protection: Logins, registrations, account management and form submissions are all secured at website level protection and also bot protected through Google captcha integration.

Listing Features:

H1 Tagging for SEO: Listing titles are H1 tagged so that the profile pages score high on SEO.
Feature Image: User get to upload one image (Width: 962 pixels x Height: 674 pixels) for each listing.

Keywords & Categories: These are essential for ease of filtration and search activities. We allow users to select listing categories and submit keywords during the uploading of a listing.
URL Sumissions: Users can submit the urls of website, YouTube playlists or single videos, Facebook and Instagram pages while submitting their listing.

Multiple Listing: One user can submit as many listings he/she likes. There is no limitation to this.

WhatsApp Messaging (PRO Subscriprion Only) : If the user gives consent and provides a phone number connected to WhatsApp, the instant message button becomes visible for the customer/visitor to connect with you instantly through WhatsApp. It also becomes visible automatically in the listing archive.

YouTube Playlist/Video: The profile page can display a YouTube playlist consisting any number of videos in a pop-up interface. (PRO Subscription Only) Under the FREE Membership plan, only a single video is allowed.

Unlimited Blogs in Popup: All blogs posted by a member at can be viewed as a vertical list in a popup at the click of a button. This is a PRO feature. Under the FREE Membership plan, only one blog post can be displayed.

Buttons Linked to User's Social Media Pages: We provide buttons leading to the user's Facebook and Instagram pages directly from the profile page.

Instant Share Buttons: The profile page by default comes with four instant share buttons for Facebook, X (Twitter), WhatsApp and Telegram.

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